7 days to die food
7 days to die food

Once you have a potato seed(s), clear area in the corn field, use a hoe to till some ground, and plant them. BE SURE TO EMPTY THE BOXES, even if it's stuff you don't want, otherwise new loot won't spawn in them. I think the shortest loot respawn you can set is 5 in game days. If you're unlucky and don't find any, come back later and check again. If you find potato make sure to turn them into seeds. These are where you want to look and hopefully find a potato or potato seed. Break it open and it will reveal a box you CAN interact with.

7 days to die food

Once you're in the store you'll see large wooden crates around that you can't interact with. Youll be traveling through desert if you go to this one so dress accordingly. It's in a town and it's around 1750 N 1600 W. Theres another one that is a bit of a hike if you don't mind making the trip. You may get lucky and find a potato or potato seed in a random place, but if not the place to look is the shamway food mart. This is where patience will come into play. The potato is the tricky one as it's a bit of a rare find. Or you can craft them in a furnace.) Corn (plenty behind the house) and a potato. The ingredients for meat stew are raw meat (go figure), so hunt any animals you find, bottled water (start hording glass jars in any form you find them. It gives almost double the wellness as bacon and eggs, so once you get the resources rolling in for it you'll see the once precious eggs as trash. Also, the bacon and eggs is a good place to start but your end goal for food is meat stew. So I guess this is up to your preference. So I guess it's a good trade off, but you'll be waiting longer to eat. If you max it like I did you get 100% bonus to wellness gain and a 50% decrease to hunger. As coffebeanz mentioned in his guide, the survivor state does increase the wellness you gain, but also decreases how often you get hungry. Also, collect any and all painkillers and beer you find. There's a river nearby to the south for water and a massive corn field behind the house which is going to come in handy. It's close to a good number of resources we will be using, and it's fairly centered in the map. I would highly recommend using the house that I did for your base of operations.

7 days to die food

Such as maxing the loot percentage, minimizing the time for the loot to respawn etc etc. On top of that it is also helpful to change all of the settings in your favor. (Also a good way to work towards the 20 hours without dying in SP.) Also choose the Navezgane map, not random generated. First off, to make your life easier I'd say do this in single player and turn off zombie spawns in the options. I know it's a lot to read, but once you've read it all, you'll be set to either use my final method or make one of your own using the info given here.

7 days to die food

Also, if you want to know what, in my opinion, is the best strategy for focusing on just raising wellness, be sure to read down past the second edit. I'm also going to assume you're fairly familiar with the game and crafting and all of that. This solution is going to be a bit lengthy, but in it I will tell you everything, good and bad, that I have learned the hard way so you can avoid doing the same and therefore save yourself quiet a bit of time.

7 days to die food